
5 years since diagnosis

Age at interview: 73

Lois is a retired nurse who currently lives in Toronto with her son. Shortly after a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation in 2017, Lois was admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure. Her heart failure diagnosis has had a big emotional and physical toll on her. She feels very tired often and has had to significantly adjust her activity levels by limiting to doing one thing a day. One of Lois’ sisters is a former cardiac nurse, and she has been there for Lois throughout her heart failure journey, including attending medical appointments with her and helping her take notes of what was discussed during those appointments. Lois has also received great support from a cardiac rehab program where she attended for two years prior to the pandemic. However, she had to advocate for herself to even be referred to this program. Lois’ advice for other women with heart failure is to always advocate for yourselves and to always ask questions. While the COVID-19 pandemic has meant going out less, Lois is looking forward to more social outings including attending the Blue Jays home opener.


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