People’s experiences

Here we present collections of people’s experiences as patients or caregivers living with different health problems, based on interviews with our research team using audio/video recording, and organized by the topics that mattered to them

Family caregiving

Caring for a relative or a close friend can have a wide range of impacts on the caregivers. For this module we interviewed 39 people who cared for someone with a chronic physical illness.

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Breast Cancer in Women

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We interviewed 35 women across Canada to hear about their experiences with breast cancer. They told us about their experiences including the good moments along with the challenges they encountered.

Immigrant mental Health

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We interviewed 6 new immigrants and 2 migrants without status about living with anxiety and depression in Canada, as well as 10 professionals caring for the emotional well-being of new immigrants. We created a short introductory film and 2 longer films that capture their experiences and perspectives.

Experiences of living with an amputation

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We interviewed ten patients who had lived with an amputation in Quebec and eight professionals working with amputees in intensive functional rehabilitation.

Mental Health and Pregnancy

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See and hear women talking about their experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy in this full length trigger film (32 minutes) featuring key themes and a range of participants.

This module is in active recruitment.

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Patient-Researcher Partnership

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Patient-researcher partnerships are relatively new and may be challenging to navigate for all involved. This module contains information to help support patients, caregivers and researchers interested in learning about working collaboratively as partners on research projects.


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Heart failure in women is commonly misdiagnosed, under-treated, under-researched, and generally misunderstood. We interviewed 30 women from across Canada to hear their stories about their lived experiences with heart failure.


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We interviewed people from across Canada to share their experiences of living with a range of symptoms after an initial SARS-CoV-2 infection. This module tells the story of the impact that long COVID has had, and continues to have, on the lives of many Canadians.

Work in progress

We have a number of projects in progress, and are currently recruiting in the following modules

  • Experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy
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