International partners

The website is modeled on the UK website Healthtalkonline and benefits from the experience of international partners doing similar work in more than 10 countries around the world. is the Canadian DIPEx initiative – DIPEx (‘Database’ of Individual Patients’ Experiences) initiatives exist worldwide, and you can learn more about these on the DIPEx International website:
” DIPEx International is a collaboration of researchers and health professionals who have been inspired by the UK-based DIPEx charity which publishes Collaborating research teams, working in the University and voluntary sectors, collect narrative interview studies of people’s experiences of health issues. The main findings from these studies, illustrated with video and audio extracts from the interviews, are published on country specific websites. Each section of the website includes 40-50 interviews (collected nationwide) and are published online with hundreds of video clips alongside commentary and contextual information on the health issue. The websites are all freely available, have won numerous awards, and are widely used by patients, family members, clinicians in training as well as teachers and researchers and to stimulate improvements to healthcare. “
(Excerpt from the History of DIPEx International webpage)
You can find links to all DIPEx initiatives worldwide on the website