
3 years since diagnosis

Age at interview: 54

Lise lives with her two adult children in British Columbia. She first noticed changes in her health when she was on a hiking tour to the top of a volcano. During this hike Lise felt short of breath and was not able to keep up with the group. Looking back Lise feels that she was oblivious to her illness and says she was in denial that something was wrong. She continued to work long hours as a paralegal and did not want to admit that something was wrong. As her symptoms continued to worsen Lise began to seek answers. It took Lise over a year to receive a diagnosis as she felt that her symptoms were not taken seriously by the medical community. Lise was finally diagnosed with heart failure caused by an underlying genetic heart condition. Lise struggled to come to terms with her diagnosis and what this meant for her life going forward. She left her job as a paralegal and has found strength in connecting with others who live with heart failure. Lise credits these connections as well as yoga, meditation and a positive attitude to helping her get to a point where she is today. With a heart transplant in her future Lise plans to return to the volcano where she first noticed her symptoms and make it to the top without being short of breath once she receives her new heart.


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