
2 years since diagnosis

Age at interview: 49

Nicole initially caught COVID in March 2020 after her husband was hospitalized with COVID. Nicole was presumed positive as she was experiencing COVID symptoms but was unable to access a PCR test at the time. Nicole has been experiencing long-term symptoms for over 2 years since her initial infection. Her symptoms have fluctuated over time, but she mainly has experienced tingling and numbness in her hands and feet, brain fog, extreme fatigue and an inability to tolerate foods containing histamine (e.g., tomatoes). Nicole describes herself as someone who is very active in all aspects of her life, but living with long-COVID has made her have to slow down with physical activity, work and socializing. Although this slower pace of life is frustrating, Nicole has come to appreciate how important it is to value the time you have with loved ones and doing the things you enjoy the most. The most frustrating part of her experience has been that many people in her life, such as family, friends and even health care professionals, do not understand and/or believe that she had COVID and is experiencing long-term symptoms. Moving forward, Nicole hopes that long-COVID will be an illness that is acknowledged and better understood by health care professionals, public health and people in general.


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