Online Support Groups – Lesley


Lesley is trying to look for the positives rather than rehashing the negative.


I’m really ready to make change and I’m really ready – like if this is as good as it’s going to get, ok, like I can manage. There are certainly negatives but there are still lots of positives and I want to go out and find the positives and learn how to live with the new me. And I find sometimes, and this is the nature of support groups, is sometimes you just tend to re-hash the negative and the “woe is me,” and the “How could this have happened?” And I’m sort of – I can go down those dark tunnels, absolutely, and there are some days where the rage is still there. Like, “How the hell did this happen, and why did it pick me?” But I’m ready to kind of make my peace with that and just say “OK, because it did – there’s no rhyme or reason to it. It happened. It’s not going to change, what can we do now?” So yeah I just have to sometimes remember to try to stay forward.

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