Impacts on Self and Daily Life – George


George used to be an athletic, high energy person. He says that has fundamentally changed.


I didn’t realize how much this would affect my identify. So, I identify as somebody who’s like healthy and vigorous and I can work a lot. Literally, one of my superpowers of working is the ability to not get tired. I never need sleep. I can survive on three, four hours a night of sleep, no problem. And be very, very vital. I’d go on an athletic and sports and all of those different – super strong and all those things, which were core to who I was, now are not – I need like seven hours sleep at least. And then I’m not even feeling that great. Like my breathing is still not back. I can’t go for a run. My energy level sort of fluctuates. So, a bunch of these things that were really central to who I am has actually been fundamentally affected in a weird way.

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