Psychosocial Impacts – Anna


Anna says, people don't appreciate what it means to go from being healthy to chronically ill overnight.


Nobody really thinks about how mentally that impacts a person who was like just, you know, just a perfectly healthy person like few days ago, and then ends up in an emergency three times in a row within five days, or suddenly cannot eat anything, anything at all. And not only that, just the understanding that this is – you know, you’ve been a healthy person one day, and you have a chronic condition over just, you know, it happens overnight. This is – like this is traumatising, this is truly traumatising. And like I don’t believe that medical professionals can think in that way, how much of a mental burden and transition is for somebody to accept that this will last a while, it will change my lifestyle greatly, and also uncertainty, like is it ever going to go away? And mentally, that’s really like – that’s hard, it’s hard, but nobody addresses it.

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