Psychosocial Impacts – Cathy


Cathy says she has become a hermit.


There’s also the psychological effects of the fear of getting it again. Because some people get it two and three times and then they get very sick and they get sicker. And there’s no way to tell. So then once again I have to be very careful to protect myself. You know, I’m masking and other people aren’t so, again, you stick out in the crowd, right? But I have to do that for my safety. If I want to go out and kind of do something normal, be around people. So it’s like I am now having to try to reintegrate myself back into society because society’s moving on and I – we – we are just kind of being forgotten. So it’s – I have referred to myself as a hermit, and that’s not my personality but that’s what I’ve had to do to control my – or manage my symptoms. But I just – I can’t take it much more. It’s just too lonely. Too sad to not be normal.

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