Psychosocial Impacts – Katherine


Katherine worries about going back to the office.


I think my anxiety level is higher in that I am scared to return to the workplace. I am scared to be exposed again to COVID because of what happened to me this time. I really want to avoid it at all costs. I thought I was avoiding it at all costs, but it didn’t work out that way. Yeah. I am really going to advocate hard to limit my exposure to the workplace or ask that I come in at off hours or when it’s less populous there to minimize the amount of risk and the anxiety around that whole thing, being able to have that approved or not approved, that’s very anxiety provoking for me. And I think, if I didn’t have the amount of experience that I do have with my mental health and how to avoid going or getting excessively upset or allowing myself to spiral downward I would probably have a much harder time maintaining a balance in my mental health.

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