Helpers and Caregivers Living With Long COVID – Carrie 2


Carrie 2 continues to care for her father but says "I'm not the daughter I wish I could be."


He lives over an hour away … So to drive there, do stuff with him and to come home, doesn’t allow me to do the things that I totally need to do, to take care of myself. And so I see him a lot less frequently. I’m doing a lot more support more remotely, which makes me sad. And I’m also so worried because he has other people that he interacts with and I get nervous about getting COVID from him. At first I was nervous about giving it to him, but now I’m also nervous about getting this again and so I limit things. He’s comfortable going to restaurants and would love for me to go to a restaurant with him but I’m not comfortable – I’m too nervous – but I will do – for him I will eat with him. I will do stuff because I want to be around him but it’s hard to always be navigating these risks and navigating my energy because going to see him takes a lot. So I feel like I’m not – I’m not as – I’m the best daughter I can be, but I’m not the daughter I wish I could be.

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