Loss of Income and Need for Financial Support – Carrie 1


Carrie 1 wishes she could get support for daily tasks she now finds challenging.


So, I would really – I would have loved – even if it had just been in terms of some sort of subsidy, or even if I had to pay for it myself, but I got money back. Any sort of way that I could access, for example, someone to help me clean my house. Someone to help me make my meals. Someone to help me do my laundry. Someone to get off of respite care for me, for taking care of my kid. I would have loved – yeah. So all those activities daily – even just sometimes the cognitive tasks are a lot. And so even help with the cognitive tasks. I’ve often relied on friends and family, but people who don’t have that. How do you pay your bills, if you’re having a hard time using a computer and doing basic math and reading? I have times where I’ve it’s difficult for me to read. And I can’t even retain the information that I read. And so it’s been really challenging. And those kinds of problems just don’t fit the right boxes for support at the moment.

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