Loss of Income and Need for Financial Support – Maggie


Maggie is financially stable at the moment but worries about the future.


I consider myself fortunate in that I, I’m fairly stable financially. But it has changed things. So, you know, I’m obviously …? that discretionary spending that you do without thinking has changed. You know, budgeting … what I’m thinking more about in terms of finances, is if this is to go on another six months, what will that look like? If I can’t care for my mother, and you know, you can’t depend on the kindness of individuals forever. If I can’t care for my mother, what does that look like? And what are the financial implications of that? So, financially I’m thinking more the what ifs, you know. And I, it’s a big unknown but you know, I have talked a lot to my kids about the what if it doesn’t go away. What if I’m left with a permanent situation and what would that look like and what would we do as a family to address it. So, those are kind of more my financial considerations right now … The longer it goes on, the more it dawns on me that there may be residual impacts that aren’t going to go away, so what am I going to do? And how am I going to, you know, not just financially but, but for example, should I think about selling my house? And not have the responsibility of home ownership if I’m going to be in this situation. So, it’s more starting to think about those possible things, scenarios that I’m doing and then monitoring if I’m getting better, you know, if there’s anything that can be offered to me over the next few months.

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