Lessons Learned and Positive Life Changes – Nicole


Nicole says she now knows she was doing too much.


If I focus on how much I’ve lost or how much I used to be able to do, then I wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning. So yeah, I’ve learned to slow down, I’ve learned to pace, I’ve learned that I was doing way too much. I’ve learned to really focus on my family, my kids and celebrate the little things … And more than anything this has shown me how valuable time is and how you need to invest that time in people that are worth it. And so I’ve learned to slow down. That’s been the biggest lesson for me. I’m someone who was always on the go, working out six days a week, here, there, everywhere, never sitting still, my kids never saw me on the couch … So this has taught me how to slow down, how to rest, how to pace, how to appreciate the small victories and just live every day, one day at a time.

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