Lessons Learned and Positive Life Changes – Carrie 2


Carrie 2 says learning to set boundaries has been a gift to herself.


Well, in a strange way, it has helped me to set boundaries because I mean, I really never said, no. It was really – if I could, I would. If somebody needed me to do call, I would say yes. There was no – I would never say, no to one of my partners, but now I have to. Same with – I always just fit extra patients in. My day was never done. If someone called and needed to be fit in, I would say yes. And now it’s a hard no because I can’t. I actually – if I do, then I can’t care for the patients the next day. So it might be – it’s a little bit like I’m putting myself and my own health in the picture a little bit better than I did before …  I don’t know. I don’t even know what that will mean. Maybe hopefully not 100 percent, I don’t know. There’s a bit of a gift in this for me, in recognizing that I need to care for myself – which healthcare workers aren’t always so good at. And so maybe it’s OK not to say yes to everything all the time. And so that’s been a gift for me, to learn how to say no and I won’t say not feel guilty, but manage my guilt. [Laughs] So to say, no and manage my guilt. I have faith that I will be able to work more than I am right now. I don’t know if I will be able to work fulltime again. I don’t know that. I have faith that I will be able to be more active than before, but it might look different.

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