Advice to Healthcare Providers – Maggie


Maggie believes that healthcare providers need to recognize the difference between treatment and care.


I think my advice would be to listen and hear. Not just listen, but to really hear what people are saying. I think my other, probably broader piece of advice would be to recognise the difference between treatment and care. And recognise that while you may not be able to give a treatment to someone with long COVID, or there may not be a treatment, you can still care for them. And you can still support them. So, recognising that just because you can’t treat them, doesn’t mean you can’t care for them and shouldn’t care for them. So, don’t close the door. So, you know, understand that you can give phenomenal care to someone without giving them treatment. And I’d really like people to, you know people that work in healthcare, to understand the difference between the two.

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