Coping Strategies and Self Care – Maggie


Maggie is learning to give herself some grace.


So, you know, now the adaptations are around trying to schedule things in a way that doesn’t exhaust me. Trying to give my – I’ll call it giving myself some grace. It’s really hard when you’re used to being independent and you’re used to being the functioning level in your job, it’s really hard to admit that you can’t do it. Right, so part of the adaptation has been adapting what I expect of myself. And trying to give myself some space to rest when I need to rest and to acknowledge that I’m not functioning the way I want to function. Or the way I did previously … When I started physio, the physiotherapist asked me what my long-term goal was in therapy. And I said, “I want to get back to scuba diving because I’m an avid scuba diver. You know I want to be back diving, I’m going to take a trip, I want to do this.” And now my long-term goal is that I want to be independent again and I want to be able to drive to my daughter’s house or drive to the grocery store. So, adapting what I expect of myself and what I expect of the system, has been part of what I’ve done I think to try and cope.

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