Coping Strategies and Self Care – aerik


aerik appreciates the beauty of slowing down.


There was a way that like I had already had those experiences and was able to appreciate the beauty of slowing down and the beauty of – it’s like there are parts of myself I get to access in those spaces. There is like kind of deeply spiritual connected parts of myself that I get to access when I’m that sick and so I think that was something I was prepared for as well … And I think there’s a lot of kind of undoing the internalized ableism that tells me that I should be like everybody else, that I should be able to do what everybody else is doing. And now I just feel a lot of love for disabled community who have taught me a lot about what internalized ableism looks like and how to really cherish and appreciate myself for the things that I can do and really be critical of our societal expectations of all being able to do the same things, in the same way, at the same pace. So I think I have a stronger ground, although I think I’ll always be working on it, of acceptance of what I can do and a lot more creativity around – rather than just being like I can’t do that thing, it’s not accessible for me.

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