Additional Expenses – Cathy


Cathy says she is paying out of pocket for what long COVID has done to her.


Oh yeah. I mean, so many things I pay for out of pocket because they’re not covered. A lot of things are not covered. And you’re desperate to get somebody to help you so you will pay for anything from physio to naturopaths to osteopaths to anybody who thinks they might be able to help you. This has also created health problems that I didn’t used to have because I was very active. Like, I never sat. Like, I just wasn’t – I didn’t have a sitting job and I loved it. But now because I either lie down or I sit, virtually all day. Sitting is the new smoking and that is creating back problems for me. And joint problems. Most people with long COVID have joint pain anyways because the inflammation goes everywhere. But I am convinced that a lot of this is because I am so sedentary. I never had these problems before. So now I’m paying out of pocket for what long COVID has done to me.

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