Seeking Information About Long COVID – Manali


Manali explains why it's important to get your information from a credible source.


Just because we are in the age of information where information is at your fingertips do not take that for granted. Get your information from a credible source. There’s a reason why people train for years and years and years in a given area, and that’s why they possibly get the expertise, because they have trained and studied and been brutally challenged in that area to gain the experience and be called experts. So don’t take your expertise from WhatsApp University. I think this is an age of information, but it comes with a responsibility. Know the credibility of your source of information and have humility in the fact that there is a lot of information out there. But just because you can Google and see what an ACE2 receptor is and what the viral entry is does not make you an immunologist, or does not make you a doctor. Or just because you can see what the health policy is and how Health Canada works and, whatever, does not make you a government policy maker. Because there is much more to it than you and I know. So experts should be left at giving the advice … I think that this pandemic has been more of an info-demic and we have been blasted with information. And that also has been a massive source of all of the problems that has come along with this pandemic. Including the anxiety and including all of the misinformation, and including all the stress that has stayed in people; whether this is COVID, long COVID, vaccine, anti-vaxers, masks, no masks, this, that. All those things are all true because everybody started thinking, “Oh I have become an expert”.

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