Seeking Information About Long COVID – Katherine


Katherine relies on a variety of sources and tries not to get caught up in 'doom scrolling'.


I’ve been a notorious WebMD user. I eventually got out of that because it was – it was doom scrolling. Now we have a word for what I was doing, I was ‘doom scrolling’. Having a good relationship with my family doctor, she allows me to just ask a question if I have one, rather than Google it. But I do like websites such as Mayo Clinic to look up symptoms, when to seek treatment, that sort of thing. If it’s a reputable place, yeah, I’ve done it. I think I’m a little bit more careful now. But it’s sort of, this long COVID diagnosis has sort of re-exposed me to that temptation. And maybe that’s another reason that I like the medical papers. Because they’re not a Google answer, they are journals with lists of – well, I guess they have a bibliography, very long, with references of where the information comes from. So, to me, that’s more reputable than just Googling “What is long COVID?” Because God only knows what you would get.

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