Valérie warns that pushing yourself too hard can have long-term negative consequences.
Written testimony
On se fait toujours dire, en tout cas la plupart du temps on se fait dire que tant qu’on n’est pas en forme, il faut faire de l’exercice, qu’on va développer notre endurance, que ça va aller mieux, que l’exercice c’est bon pour la santé. Non là, attention! Il y en a peut-être pour qui ça va fonctionner, parce qu’ils ne font pas de malaise post-effort. Mais attention! Restez dans vos limites! Parce que si vous dépassez vos limites, c’est à ce moment-là que vous risquez de faire des rechutes, vous n’avancerez pas plus vite dans votre rétablissement, mais vraiment pas, puis en plus de ça, vous risquez d’avoir des séquelles permanentes.
[We are always told, or at least most of the time we are told that, if we are not in shape, we should exercise, that we will develop our endurance, that it will get better, that exercise is good for our health. No, be careful! There may be some people for whom it will work, because they don’t get post-exertional malaise. But be careful! Stay within your limits! Because if you go beyond your limits, that’s when you risk relapsing. You won’t progress any faster in your recovery, you really won’t, and on top of that, you risk having permanent after-effects.] Translation from original French.
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- Mental Health Support – ValérieValérie had limited mental health support because she had to pay out of pocket.
- Getting Care for Long COVID – ValérieValérie made repeat visits to ER because she couldn't get help elsewhere.
- Complementary and Alternative Care – ValérieValérie gained a sense of control over her symptoms with the help of her kinesiologist.
- Support From Family, Friends, Communities – ValérieValérie notices her supporters running out of steam.
- Impacts on Children and Parenting – ValérieValérie wishes her children didn't have so much responsibility.
- Loss of Income and Need for Financial Support – ValérieValérie is afraid of falling into the hole of an unrecognized illness.
- Loss of Income and Need for Financial Support – ValérieValérie was studying to become a teacher. There was no teaching during lockdown so she was not entitled to employment insurance.
- People with Long COVID Advocating for Themselves – ValérieValérie is fighting to get her disability recognized after her application for social assistance was refused.
- Advice to Others Living With Long COVID – ValérieValérie warns that pushing yourself too hard can have long-term negative consequences.
- Psychosocial Impacts – ValérieValérie hits the wall emotionally every time her symptoms flare up.