Complementary and Alternative Care – Angela


Angela wished that doctors were more willing to refer patients to other kinds of healthcare providers.


They never ever said, “Oh go to physio, go to chiropractor, go to a naturopathic doctor.” I actually – my – so for my husband’s plan for work, it pays for $1,200 to a naturopathic doctor. After that point, with a doctor’s note, it goes to something called EAP, which is Employee Assistance Program. But you have to have a doctor’s note suggesting that you see a naturopathic doctor. My doctor refused to write me one. I actually – I had to actually call around to other walk-in clinics to see if anybody would give me one. And I probably spoke to four or five doctors before I was able to get one. And she’s the one that does – my naturopathic doctor does my acupuncture, and she’s doing laser and all of that kind of stuff on me, which has helped me get back to work even back in January. But my doctor was “No, we don’t give those.” I’m like why? This is without – she’s like “Oh, you can go see one. But I won’t write a note for one.” I’m yeah, “but then it’s not paid for. I can’t afford $150 a visit.” But yeah, she absolutely just outright refused. And at no point did my regular doctor say, “Hey, you could try this, you could try this.” …

I want them to not just be “Oh, we have no answers for you.” There are answers out there. And I wish they would be like, “Hey, there’s physio out there” – give those other – if they can’t fix it, or if they don’t know what to do, then they have to be more open to naturopaths, to all of those other therapies. Because they don’t have all the answers right now. So you need to get off your high horse and think you’re not the only one out there that can help and pass it on to other people.

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