Medications – Dido


Dido developed heart failure years after aggressive chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer 9 years ago and that went well, according to how well breast cancer can possibly go, I have 2 mastectomies and I did 4 rounds of chemotherapy. The cancer that I had was quite small but pretty significant and I took the decision under the advisement of my oncologist. We had a good long conversation about how best to treat the cancer. At the time I was only 43 and in order to deal with the possibility of an occurrence further down the line we decided fairly aggressive with the cancer, and I did 4 rounds of chemotherapy. After the four rounds of chemotherapy, I also did a full year of Herceptin treatment as well. And I was followed by cardio-oncology afterwards because of the possibility of complications, cardiac complications given the Herceptin treatment and the chemotherapy treatment. And within about 6 years of being followed by cardiac oncology post breast cancer, it was determined that my heart function had decreased.

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