Symptoms of Long COVID – Anna


Anna has multiple symptoms but finds that doctors only want to deal with one at a time.


I happen to have a very bizarre order of symptoms, right, and symptoms itself. But regardless of that, like this is not, you know, this is not something like, “Oh, I broke my arm.” And then, you know, like everybody can understand, oh, you know, she broke her arm. But this is like, “OK, so, you know, I had hives, I had dizziness, I had nausea, I had swellings, I had like throat tightness, I had dizziness, I had like, you know, like this and that.” This is like too long, and too many like the – just the sheer number of symptoms of a different kind that you – that, you know, people simply – people that you meet cannot follow all of this. Like they asked you to focus on one particular symptom. So I said, “OK, severe hives,” but it wasn’t the only thing that I was experiencing. And the problem is that like every time you see somebody else, you know, it – the story already gets bigger and longer, and it’s just like lost on those people that you meet along the way through your journey.

And I think that’s the main problem then with, you know, with medical professionals focusing on situations like those of, you know, just recently very healthy and like normal people, and then suddenly experiencing like plenitude of those unusual, and weird, and debilitating symptoms. So, you know, that’s the frustration that I’m mostly feeling, every time you meet somebody new you are asked for one symptom, which in your reality it’s much more than that.

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