Symptoms of Long COVID – Cathy


Cathy says her symptoms "control her life."


It has been the longest two years of my life. I can’t believe that it is almost two years. And essentially, I’m the same. A couple of minor things have disappeared but, I mean, obviously the breathing, the brain fog, this whole shortness of breath, a chest pain, it’s – well, it controls my life. It has taken away everything from me … So it’s like I am now having to try to reintegrate myself back into society because society’s moving on and I – we – we are just kind of being forgotten. So it’s – I have referred to myself as a hermit, and that’s not my personality but that’s what I’ve had to do to control my – or manage my symptoms. But I just – I can’t take it much more. It’s just too lonely. Too sad to not be normal … This summer I found out I can’t be in direct sunlight anymore. I can’t. It makes me feel sick. I can’t be around loud noises. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars to purchase special earplugs so that if I’m somewhere – I have to wear earplugs so it kind of deadens the sound. Crowds. Moving – too much movement. If I am in a crowded place, which I almost never am, because I avoid it, unfortunately. 

But a month or a few months ago I had to be somewhere with my son and there were people walking – of course in all different directions. I just – I fell apart. I sobbed. I grabbed his arm and I asked him to get me out. So he took me to a quiet corner and he goes, what is wrong? And I said it’s like there’s too much – too much information to process … So I’m taking getting support from therapists to help me to learn how to be in society again. Even though I still haven’t gotten better. But they’re trying to help me to have a life again.

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