Tests and Investigations – Chris


Chris explains why he thinks it's often hard to capture long COVID symptoms at medical appointments.


And so interactions with healthcare professionals, might not necessarily capture at that precise moment, every aspect of what’s going on. And some of these things can be hard to describe, or hard to understand, if you’re not seeing them. Some of my appointments – I’ve been fortunate to be able to show a physician my tremor or show a physician some of the weird lesions I’ve been getting or show a physician that I’m not able to walk a straight line without stumbling – but that’s very much not always the case. So it’s in my file – it’s in reports from certain appointments – but I’ve seen other specialists where I appear outwardly to be quite fine. So there’s a lot that’s invisible with this and there’s a lot that only flares up in weird, unpredictable patterns, with unpredictable levels of frequency.

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