Getting Care for Long COVID – Kristen


Kristen's family doctor was supportive but unable to offer much in the way of treatment.


So, the way she was supporting me was, first, writing me off work. You know, she never blinked when I said I just can’t, I can’t function at home, let alone adding anything to my plate. So that made me feel supported. Unfortunately, there was no drugs or anything that she could give me, but she said, you know, “Take Tylenol, rest when you can, you know, try not to take on too much when you’re feeling unwell.” And those were really the words of advice that she gave; she just kept saying, “There’s not enough research, there’s not enough information right now as to what long-COVID is, or how to treat it.” You know, so that was really the conversation … My doctor also was very supportive of me seeing other healthcare professionals. Like, when I was mentioning, you know, seeing an osteopath and an acupuncturist and a naturopath, she was very supportive of that.

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