Getting Care for Long COVID – Nicole


Nicole tried a number of unproven treatments through an online clinic in the United States.


It took a bit of time, because everything was new, they were developing the clinic from the ground up and there was a waitlist for sure. I think I was the second Canadian to start treatment with him. So, like I said, I had to find someone to draw my blood. And so we do video consults and they don’t prescribe, so that’s why I had to get a functional medicine doctor. They make recommendations and then I had to find the medications myself basically here in Canada … So originally they had suggested prednisone, fluvoxamine and ivermectin. I started those and there was zero improvement – and so I was on those for about two to three weeks and getting really discouraged that nothing had helped. And then they switched me to the second phase of treatment, which is an HIV medication called maraviroc and atorvastatin and they’re much better at explaining how it works than I am. But basically it’s looking at the monocytes and trying to prevent the spread of the disease around the body and they were saying that exercise actually makes you worse. And I’m proof of that, because I was functioning and working for a year after COVID and just deteriorated. And so the one that’s made the biggest improvement for me is maraviroc. So within two weeks, like I said the neuropathy in my hands was gone, I could feel my hands again for the first time in six months. The fatigue was better, I wasn’t crashing anymore, I had no cognitive issues anymore. And I just have to pace, but it’s pacing – whereas before it was pacing every hour, now it’s pacing looking at my week and just try not to overdo it.

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