Getting Care for Long COVID – Maggie


Maggie felt like she was being bounced between her family doctor and the emergency department.


My hope or my expectations of the system were that, you know, I’d be identified as having long COVID. There might be some solutions that were offered to me or some support that was offered to me to help me navigate it and get through it. And that hasn’t been the case.

And I don’t think it – it hasn’t been the case I think largely because people just don’t know, you know. So, in the first sort of few weeks when it started to become clear that this was something different, so you know, in the fall, I was sent back and forth from my family doctor to emerg four times. And each one sent me back to the other. Because that’s how our system works, right? It works in silos and to be honest, that made me feel very alone because it was almost as if when I left emerg for example, someone kind of washed their hands of me and said, “OK, now we’ve sent you back to your family doctor, so you’re no longer our responsibility.” So, for a long time I felt like the system had let me down in the sense, not in the sense that it wasn’t treating me, but in the sense that it felt like it was abandoning me.

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