Getting Care for Long COVID – Kari


Kari got sick at work and attends a COVID program through Worker's Compensation (WCB) as well as another community-based COVID clinic.


I have now been diagnosed with POTS, [postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome] and dysautonomia, which is a form of POTS. That’s what they claim causes the tachycardia, so my, from how I have been explained to me, is my nervous system, I kind of go into flight or, fight or flight mode for no reason. Or if I just do a little bit of exercise, it sends it through the roof, where my heartrate has gone like 201, when I’m just walking. And so, they’ve increased you know, different things, nothing medically, but like vitamins and like B2, they’ve added magnesium, of course intake of my salt and water increased. I’m now on Claritin, so an antihistamine as well … Their team has like OT/PT exercise, I started seeing a psychologist as well, just to help essentially the grieving process of my previous life is the best way to explain it … I see a psychologist that is not part of their team. But I see her once a week and I see the lead of the team, which is an occupational therapist, every Monday, and if I’m having a bad week, like I just started, this is the third week I think. And it just, up until I started the program, I felt like I was managing, and I felt not bad. I was able to figure out my pacing. I’m able to listen to my body and then we started the program and it’s meetings four days a week and it’s cognitive testing and it’s, and it was, I just crashed again. 

So, that’s been difficult. They have worked with me and they’re alternating the exercise and physical therapy, so I only have them once a week, rather than both of them every week. So, that, they’re helping with that. They tried to do an eight to 12-week program and they’ve now said that I will be part of the 12-week program.

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