Lillian is hopeful about life now that her heart is functioning better.
Written testimony
Now, I have some hope. Like, I do feel like maybe I’ll go back to work. And I have like an amazing job that I love. So I feel like that’s possible that I’ll go back to work where I didn’t think it was possible before. So life is so much better now that I know that my heart is functioning OK.
More content
- Self-care – Maintaining Your Own Well-being – LillianLillian posts positive and encouraging things on social media.
- Coping Strategies – LillianLillian explains 'spoon theory' – a way to think about pacing and energy conservation.
- Coping Strategies – LillianLillian sought dietician counselling from cancer care, as it was not offered by cardiac care.
- Mental Health & Emotional Support – LillianLillian says "for heart failure – there's nothing."
- Finding Information & Cardiac Rehab – LillianLillian talks about a kinesiologist providing information and support.
- Reflections on Identity, Life and Death – LillianLillian talks about her changed view of life and work.
- Care Delivery – LillianLillian says for heart failure – there's nothing for mental health.
- Care Delivery – LillianLillian talks about how calling 911 results in better access to services.
- Impact on Work, School, Finances – LillianLillian is hopeful about life now that her heart is functioning better.
- Impact on Work, School, Finances – LillianLillian balances the economic impact of not working.