National and Provincial Resources

Canadian Cancer Society

The Canadian Cancer Society is a good source of information for breast cancer, cancer prevention and management of treatment side effects (e.g., fertility, sexual issues, diet, etc). Publications addressing specific topics are also available and could be helpful for people seeking additional help. Support services and support groups are available across Canada through the organization.

Canadian Breast Cancer Network

The Canadian Breast Cancer Network is comprised of a network of organizations and individuals whose goal is to voice the views and concerns of breast cancer survivors and patients. They have done this through the promotion of information sharing and education. Their website provides women with the necessary information to learn about and have access to a variety of services across Canada, including breast screening services, breast help programs, services in rural areas, etc.

Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

The Canadian Breast cancer Foundation has list of program and resources available in the Atlantic, British Columbia/Yukon, Ontario and Prairies/North West Territories regions. Some of these include support groups, online support, helplines, financial support, transportation services, and programs about breast health, education and awareness. A list of tips and resources are also provided to help women with breast cancer live a healthy lifestyle.
They also have a book: Life after breast cancer treatment that can be ordered on their website:


Wellspring is located in Ontario but also has two locations in Alberta and Edmonton. Support is offered to any patient with cancer and their families. The centers also provide various types of group sessions targeting patients, survivors, family members, etc. Some of the groups are support groups, while others focus on coping skills, education and expression.

Willow Breast and Hereditary Cancer Support

Willow provides information about breast cancer, as well as personal stories and tips from cancer survivors. A helpline is provided, where anyone can call in to request additional information and advice. Local support groups can also befound through their site.

British Columbia Cancer Agency

The BC Cancer Agency operates six regional cancer centres and provides patients with a diagnostic, treatment and supportive care services. Patients can also learn more about nutrition, exercise, lymphedema, managing symptoms and life after cancer. Women from BC also have access to a list of support services, including financial assistance, transportation and lodging, home support services and additional resources.

Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation

The Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation has a support and information helpline, available in English and French, where anyone can call or email to learn more about breast cancer and their options.  By telephone:  1 877 990-7171, ext. 250 or By e-mail: It also provides women with a series of questions to ask their oncologist or health care professional in relation to diagnosis, treatment, surgery, breast cancer reconstruction, hereditary breast cancer and concerns about breast cancer. You can also find a list of additional resources and activities available in your area