From the Heart – Women’s Experiences of Heart Failure

Heart failure in women is commonly misdiagnosed, under-treated, under-researched, and generally misunderstood – see the excellent report by the Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation that explains how our health system has been failing women living with heart failure. In this study presented here, our team aimed to bring women’s voices to the forefront so that others can learn from their stories and experiences of living with heart failure. We spoke with 30 women from across Canada – some who have lived with heart failure all their lives, while others were diagnosed as young women and some when older. Heart failure made a substantial impact on all of their lives in many different ways. Every story was unique with many describing the problems encountered in seeking help as described in the above report – it seems there is still room for improvement in our healthcare system to ensure that women are listened to and receive the right care at the right time and place. Click on any of the topic pages on the left to hear and read about their experiences of getting a diagnosis (or not), strategies for coping and self-care, the impact on their families and work lives, and about the support they received from professionals, family and friends.

See below, where Dr. Jillianne Code provides an excellent overview of her personal experiences with heart failure, where to find some support in Canada, and why this collection may be of interest to other women living with heart failure as well as healthcare professionals.


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