COVID Challenges – Ginette


Ginette could not get answers or more information as access to doctors was so limited.


I just talked to cardiologist back in April and we upped my Atorvastatin pill for the cholesterol because my cholesterol was a little bit higher. So I was on 20 mg now I’m on 30 from the blood test result that he saw that I did in February. But I still haven’t seen him. I’ve seen him once when he first became my doctor two years ago.  Because of COVID I have not been able to see him, he only talks on the phone. And he’s so busy that, I don’t know. So he told me, ‘OK until your next blood test’ he send me a form by email, ‘We’ll get in touch in – whenever I get the result of your next blood test of there’s any concern.’ On my last blood test there was some negatives and I tried to ask him about that and he said, ‘Oh don’t worry it’s nothing.’ That’s not my question, what is it? Why is it like that? ‘Oh maybe you didn’t eat enough that day.’ It’s like oh my gosh. So I called my family doctor she said, ‘Oh I never got your result. I said, ‘OK I’ll get them to send it to you, can you call me?’ ‘Yeah.’ I never heard from her. It’s like non-stop, non-stop, trying to get the information, talk to somebody, get somebody to get back to me, you know. It’s like so exhausting.

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