Finding Information & Cardiac Rehab – Jennifer


Jennifer talks about how rehab could be improved for younger women.


One was the fact that I was 43 when my heart disease was discovered, I felt like the majority of for instance, cardiac rehab was geared for older people. And I believed that the doctors and nurses, they were used to dealing with older people than myself. And I felt that I wanted more attention to the fact that I was only 43 when it happened. And, you know, I was hoping to be able to live say for a further 43 years. And I felt like the care that I was getting, was not looking 43 years out from where I was at the time.

And I don’t know, you know, if my perception of the healthcare team looking at me was accurate or not, but I feel like there is a difference from somebody who is diagnosed, you know, at 75 and what, what is done for them and with them might be different than somebody who’s diagnosed at 43. 

And there’s a lack of support for patients who are younger. And the, you know, even the material, some of the material that’s put out, for instance, by the Heart and Stroke, you know, it’s geared to an older demographic, but more and more – unfortunately, younger patients are, unfortunately having to deal with heart disease and stroke.

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