Coping Strategies – Lillian


Lillian sought dietician counselling from cancer care, as it was not offered by cardiac care.

Written testimony

They send you like some PDF forms about how to read food labels. But because I’m connected with a cancer centre, I was able to actually talk to a dietitian, but I wouldn’t have been able to through cardiac rehab. So I was having some problems because the fluid restrictions and the salt restrictions, but I’m supposed to be getting lots of calcium, because the medication that I’m taking to suppress oestrogen, because of my cancer, it then makes your bones more susceptible. So you’re supposed to make sure you get enough calcium. But the easiest way to get calcium is like milk and cheese. You can’t have cheese because it’s salty. So you’re not supposed to take supplements because you’re supposed to get it in your diet. If I drank milk, that would be all my fluid, more than my fluid for the day. So I was able to talk to a dietician who was very helpful in reassuring me that it’s OK to take supplements and giving me a few ideas of things, so that I didn’t have to be trying to add up the sodium every day.

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