Lillian explains 'spoon theory' – a way to think about pacing and energy conservation.
Written testimony
Well, it’s like this jar of spoons is your energy and you start the day with this jar of spoons. And then everything you do takes out a spoon. And you have to try to end up the end of the day with enough spoons, like with still spoons for things. You think breakfast is one spoon, but it’s not. It’s several spoons to get to that. So you have to make choices. So she’s living her life always making choices of how is she going to use her energy and then living with the consequences if she runs out of gas kind of thing. So my therapist had already told me about that. But someone there on Heart Life told me about it as well. I was like, yeah, I think like this really does apply. Fatigue was a big problem like just not having enough energy was a big problem.
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