Care Delivery – Lois


Lois feels very involved in her care.


I had to encourage them to send me to the cardiac rehab and I do get involved in asking if pills are changed or if somebody needs – if my cardiologist needs to make a difference in my – in my pills or whatever she – she’ll ask me my symptoms and then she’ll say, ‘Well maybe we need to do this,’ and then I’ll ask a lot of questions. And that’s why my sister goes sometimes to find that out. No, I feel I’m very involved and if I don’t like something I’ll certainly let them know. And there’s not much that I disagree with. There’s not – my family doctor, she sent me to the hospital that time that I was unwell and I was taken there and I was admitted for four days, but I feel – and then – and even in there I felt very, very involved in my care. Yes, I did feel – I do feel very involved in my care.

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