Coping Strategies – Lori


Lori talks about how learning to pace activity can be trial and error.


Now if you ask me tomorrow, tomorrow might be a great day and I’m having the day of my life, and I can do it all for myself. My problem is I’m a Type A personality so when I feel good I kind of overdo it and then I pay for it. But I’m learning; I’m learning how to get better that way and that’s what patients need to do. Learn to know when they feel good enough to do some stuff, so maybe one day do the laundry, the next day rest, next day have a shower, the day after rest, so like always put a rest day in-between and if you can’t get to everything you can’t be – I used to be kind of OCD and I’m a Virgo so everything has a place and I hate mess and everything and I’ve had to learn how to accept that you know what, there are going to be days where I can’t do my rearranging and stuff, that I’m just going to have to live with it.

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