Heart Transplant – Lynda


Lynda waits for 8 months prior to receiving the call.


When I finally, I got accepted of course onto the heart transplant list and it was eight months of waiting. So, I went through another eight months. I had to be sent to Vancouver because I was in really bad shape again. And I was working hard, I was looking after my dad and my mom and then the next time I was there my husband said, “You could just tell you were going further and further down.” “My dad died while I was there and my dad’s biggest wish was that I get a heart. And three weeks later we packed up my mom and brought her here. We were here three weeks later and we got a phone call and it was from the transplant clinic that they had a heart for me. So, by now I was, “I don’t care. I’ll do a heart transplant you know.” ” And I’m one of those people that hates pain. I had so much trouble. Every IV that went into me was horrible. I figure I probably had about 4,000 needle sticks. That’s not including the IV’s. I’ve had them in my feet. I’ve had them in my wrists. I got places in my body where there’s a permanent lump there you know cause it’s damaged. And now I was going to go through a heart transplant.

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