Reflections on Identity, Life and Death – Lynda


Lynda wanted to spare her loved ones' pain and worry.


And you know, so we got married and, and for me that almost made it worse because I was thinking, ‘Why would he marry me, I’m probably going to die?’ You know? I thought about dying a lot. Not just in the fact that my heart would give out on me but the fact that I might not make it and the fact that I might commit suicide. The amount of pain and stuff you go through and the things that trigger you are very difficult. And when I look back now I think, thank goodness I didn’t do anything. But there were times where I would force my husband to go to work and like, cause he wouldn’t leave my side. Pretty soon he was driving me crazy. And so anyways, and I would sit there I would think and I’d have all these medications right beside my bed. And I thought, ‘How easy would it be just to take all of that medication and put my family and my husband out of pain, out of worrying?’ Cause that was what it was about and I’m one of those people who does everything for herself. I don’t like it when people help me and I had no choice. So, my journey with heart failure was the hardest thing I did.

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