Advice for Women Experiencing Heart Failure – Naomi


Naomi talks about how connecting with others in the same situation builds hope.


None of my friends had heart failure so I just couldn’t really, and it was a complete game changer a complete a 180, like a full 180 kind of game changer to talk to other heart transplant patients talk to another LVAD patient. It made me go from anxious, terrified, and honestly depressed about my situation to being like wait a second. Life goes on and like the girl I had talked to that I connected with through my nurse, because this patient is also was another one of my nurses patients.

And when the nurse connected us like we had so much to relate on and she’s like yeah like I work, I have a son, I you know go to concerts, I go to the beach, I go swimming. And I was like and you had a heart transplant like this is possible. I was completely shocked and so excited because I was like ok so this is actually a good things and like I will be ok and life does go on and not only does it go on, it can be fun and beautiful and full of life.

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