
1 year since diagnosis

Age at interview: 60

Lillian is on medical leave at home managing her symptoms related to heart failure and breast cancer. She has had an excellent career as a nurse educator, and is currently looking forward to returning to work if possible now that her illness has stabilized. Lillian developed heart failure in 2021 as a rare and serious complication of her treatment for cancer. The period around her double diagnosis was devastating and traumatic for her and she felt very alone at that time. She has had to drastically reduce her day-to-day activities and works hard to conserve her energy for those things that matter most to her, getting help when needed, for her care and to manage her household. She started to paint again after her diagnosis. Her family, her physical therapist, and close friends have provided an enormous amount of support throughout her ‘journey to being well again’. The uncertainty of it all has been hard for her. To her surprize, she has found some solace as an avid user of social media, always looking for uplifting messages from others living with heart failure and posting notes about her progress and thoughts on a daily basis. Lillian is grateful for the online support groups for women, but feels our healthcare system in Canada can do better to provide support and practical resources for women living with heart failure – particularly outside of urban centres.


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