
4 years since diagnosis

Age at interview: 82

Sharon lives in Quebec and first noticed something was wrong with her heart 4 years ago when she felt short of breath. She went to the hospital and was told that she had a “heart issue”. Since that time Sharon has had four admissions to hospital for heart related issues. She had a defibrillator implanted and feels that this has made a big difference in her overall health. Sharon credits her cardiologist for providing her with information about her condition (cardiomyophopy) and always listening to and respecting her opinion. While Sharon lives with her condition on a daily basis, she is very independent and does not let her heart condition stop her, she works out with a trainer and is an avid reader and walker. Sharon is actively involved in research projects both as a participant and financial donor. She encourages others to get involved in volunteering, especially with heart related research projects that can not only help you but others who have heart issues as well.


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