
6 years since diagnosis

Age at interview: 47

Tara lives in British Columbia with her husband and 3 children. In 2016 Tara experienced chest heaviness and shortness of breath but brushed it off as she was a busy nurse and mom. While attending a fitness class Tara again felt these symptoms. The next thing she remembered was someone preforming CPR on her and being in an ambulance. Tara was diagnosed with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) and consequently, severe heart failure. She later had a pacemaker and defibrillated implanted. A year after her diagnosis Tara was unable to return to work and now focuses on maintaining her health. She dedicates her time to speaking to others who have experienced SCAD, facilitates a support group and manages a website to support others with this diagnosis. While Tara misses her work as a nurse tremendously, she says that good things can come out of terrible situations and that being able to stay at home with her kids is a gift. Tara encourages others with heart issues to advocate for themselves, to ask questions and to talk to others so you don’t feel so alone. Sharing your story and hearing others stories can be very healing.


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