Impact on Work, School, Finances – Susan1


Susan1 says needing shift accommodations started a workplace bullying situation.


They recommended probably it wasn’t wise for me to be doing night shift anymore in the OR. So days were fine, evenings were fine, but the problem with working evenings is we took turns being on call. And so I had a letter from the cardiologist saying that it was recommended that I you know, I not do on-call. That was the beginning of a whole new experience for me. Bullying was something that had been going on for some time, but no one really labelled it. And they were not willing to accommodate me. Unless I found people to take my on-call. So I would work until you know 11:00 and I would stay obviously if there was some small surgical procedures that needed to be done, but in terms of being called back in the middle of the night, I would have to find someone to take that call for me.

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