Finding Information & Cardiac Rehab – Susan2


Susan2 talks about difficulties locating and accessing cardiac rehab.


Well, they basically told me that I needed to have a rehab program. So I came back home and I started calling around the area, and nobody had rehab program for heart muscle disease. They would take everybody with coronary artery disease and it was a walking program, but they weren’t looking at this. And I called a number of places and they all said no, we can’t take you, we can’t take you. Finally one lady, I just started crying on her. And she’s like, ‘Oh, oh dear, don’t cry. Okay, we’ll see you, so come on down.’ So she took me into the walking program. And that’s what we did. And there was a nurse there to check your pulse and your blood pressure and I did that twice a month. And I really fully believed that program was extremely valuable to my recovery at that time, and then getting eventually back to work in 1992.

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