Early Symptoms of Heart Failure
The early symptoms of heart failure often trigger women to seek help from healthcare providers. Getting tired quickly or easily, lacking energy, shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping when laying flat, weight gain or fluid retention, and an inability to do usual daily activities were signs and symptoms that something was not right. Some women described experiencing a sudden event, such as a heart attack, that might have preceded symptoms of heart failure. Others lived with these persistent symptoms for many months and even years prior to finally receiving a diagnosis, despite efforts to seek answers. Some women had experienced no symptoms at all and then heart failure was discovered when undergoing routine tests for other conditions. Some had a previous cardiac diagnosis or were health care providers themselves, yet they didn’t recognize these early symptoms. How the symptoms presented was often linked to the underlying cause of the heart failure and how women ultimately discovered their condition [see our Backstories page].
Exhaustion, fatigue, or extreme tiredness was reported by most of the women that we spoke to. For women who live with other serious health conditions, such as stroke, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or lupus, it was often a challenge to pinpoint the cause of symptoms such as fatigue or shortness of breath. Several women talked about getting used to living with low level symptoms or having their attention focused on more pressing medical problems, until the fatigue became extreme.
Sharon1 didn't take it too seriously, until she couldn't breathe.
I’ve been admitted, I think, altogether a total of four times with episodes of not – of not breathing. And also, if I go for a walk with my girlfriends, I would have to stop every few houses to catch my breath. But I tend not to take these things […]
Some women reported having to sleep for more than twelve hours a day. Others reported that their fatigue impacted their ability to complete normal tasks – such as falling asleep while working and the inability to get out of bed. Lise talks about feeling so fatigued that she would fall asleep while working, “And it was really bad. I was falling asleep at my desk. I couldn’t stay awake. I couldn’t breathe. I was gasping the whole time.”
Amanda describes symptoms of extreme fatigue and trouble sleeping.
I was experiencing some symptoms I’d never experienced before that I couldn’t lie flat anymore. I would have to sleep on a 45- or 90-degree angle. I would sleep for 14ish hours a day. I was becoming a little lazier I guess. It would take me a few extra minutes […]
Naomi shares some of the early symptoms that she experienced.
I was having shortness of breath. I just was not feeling well at all. I couldn’t I barely was getting out of bed. I wasn’t eating. It was brutal so I was like ok this is not good.
Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath or becoming ‘winded’ easily (not being able to catch your breath), often when climbing hills or stairs, was a common early symptom. Some women reported their shortness of breath occurring so slowly that they didn’t really notice it at first, while others felt these symptoms severely. One woman who had cardiomyopathy diagnosed as a child describes recognizing as a teenager that she was “not in the same physical shape as other people”. She initially blamed it on her lack of fitness.
Susan1 needed to stop halfway up a hill.
I suspected something wasn’t you know very perfect with my health you know at kind of a teenager age. I had to climb a bit of a hill to get to school and uh, when I was walking with other friends I especially noticed the difference in my comfort level […]
Shortness of breath is also a symptom of other conditions such as asthma or COPD, making it hard to determine the cause. Women described how they monitored their own symptoms to help diagnose the cause or worked with their healthcare providers to diagnose heart failure.
Barbara talks about monitoring her symptoms to manage COPD and heart failure.
Now one of the side effects of COPD is shortness of breath. It is the biggest complaint from people with COPD, but when you have heart failure the shortness of breath comes from the heart not being able to keep up and it has to pump so much faster to […]
Lillian’s request for a puffer for her coughing or asthma, alerted to GP to send her for cardiac work up to investigate potential heart failure.
Lillian says her GP was on it!
Written testimony
When I was ending the chemotherapy, I started to have an asthma cough, and I had had that asthma cough on and off. So I call my GP and got puffers. And she said, “Are you having any trouble lying down? Like is it waking you up at night?” And I said, “Oh yeah, like, I wake up and I have to sit up to catch my breath.” And she’s like, “Oh.” “But then I tried the puffer and it seemed to help, but the trouble breathing line down had gotten worse before I heard about that I have heart failure. So I had these signs and my GP was on it.
Difficulty Sleeping
Many of the women that we interviewed spoke about breathing problems or pain preventing them from lying flat when sleeping and sitting up to relieve those symptoms. Several women spoke about their physicians sending them to the ER for diagnostic tests, once they were aware of this symptom, in combination with the other symptoms.
Lois talks about getting sent to the hospital by her family doctor.
I went to the family doctor to – because I felt terrible and I was having trouble – I can’t say I was having – yeah, I was having trouble breathing let’s be honest. And I was having to sit up and hold my – like sit up like this […]
Kim describes how scary it was for her when she felt like she could not breathe.
It was really, really bad. I couldn’t sleep that night because this whole side of my side hurt. I had trouble breathing when lying on my back. I felt like I was being strangled.
Weight Gain/Fluid Retention
Gaining weight and retaining fluid often occurs in individuals experiencing heart failure due to the heart’s inability to pump correctly. Several women spoke about experiencing weight gain, which was not normal for them. Others described feeling bloated or having swollen ankles and legs and extended abdomens. For many of the women, fluid retention occurred for several months, while others did not experience this symptom at all during their heart failure journey.
Lise talks about the weight gain she experienced prior to receiving a heart failure diagnosis.
And I’m saying I was bloating. I was getting so bloated I was actually cutting the waste of my pants. And it was just a glass of water. And I’d be you know bloated. But everybody was like ‘oh, you’re female. You’re hormonal. You are at that age, your eating […]
Impact on Daily Activities
Some women noticed that regular activities were becoming more difficult. Walking, especially going up hills or stairs became increasingly difficult for some of the women. For others, the inability to keep up with friends, or having to stop for breaks when walking was one of the signs that something was not right.
Susan2 was 28 years old and could not climb stairs at school.
I was 28 years old, and I got into what I thought and was told was pneumonia. So I went to my family doctor, she said ‘pneumonia, take some antibiotics and you should be good.’ All right, so two weeks later, I wasn’t good, and I came back to my […]
Nausea & Vomiting
While many of the women spoke about breathing issues, fluid retention and fatigue, others reported symptoms such as throwing up and indigestion. These symptoms seemed to be more common in women who experienced a sudden onset of heart issues such as those who were having a heart attack versus those who experienced symptoms for many months. Chest pain was also noted by those who experienced heart attacks but also by those who had more sudden onset of heart failure. Other women reported dizzy spells or passing out prior to having a cardiac event while another woman reported feeling as if she had flu like symptoms. Rhonda reported that “the only symptom I had was two dizzy spells a month prior. I had been very tired”, whereas Debbie felt intense dizziness.
Debbie talks about waking up on the floor, not knowing what had happened.
I started feeling the most intense dizziness that I have ever felt in my life. I never felt like that before. I grabbed the sink and I was trying to hold on and it was I was going down in a whirl hole. And the next thing I know I […]
Deb experienced symptoms that felt like indigestion but were actually symptoms of a heart attack.
I went into emergency. By then the heartburn had changed to pain in my collar bone which ran down my arm and felt like it would shoot out of my hand. It was excruciating.
No early symptoms
Some women that we spoke with reported that they didn’t have any early symptoms. Instead, they had their heart failure discovered as a result of the process of testing for some other health condition such as stroke or cancer.
Jennifer describes her experience having a stroke and finding out afterward that she had heart failure.
I had no symptoms beforehand. I was experiencing a slight headache through the weekend. And I called my doctor for an appointment because I thought it was odd that the headache had lasted more than a couple of days. My appointment was, unfortunately, the day after my stroke happened. And […]