Additional Expenses – aerik


aerik lives on low income and tells us how it feels to not have access to many treatment options.


I think with something like long COVID there are so many things that can help, so many like treatments that are not covered that folks find helpful, but long COVID takes so many different forms and shows up in so many different ways in peoples’ bodies and so often you have to try stuff. You know like you have to try a supplement or try a medical device or therapy and that’s just not a reality. I mean, having extra money at all to pay for those things is not a reality for most poor working class folks. But then to do that and then not even know if it’s going work. I can take some money out of whatever, my food budget, to like try this thing if it’s going to help, but I tried a lot of things that didn’t help …There are a lot of people using like off label – things off label for long-COVID or you know treatments that are not yet approved so I think there’s a lot of that too. There are just a lot of things that could be very helpful but either are not covered or you know people are paying for things; you know for those of us who don’t have money that’s not an option … I’ve had to step away from some long COVID support spaces because it’s really painful to hear about people buying stuff that’s making their lives better or that’s like helping their symptoms and being like, oh, that could be really helpful but I don’t have access to it. And it really, I think, highlights for me the economic reality that surrounds things like this and the way that certain people have access to feeling better and certain people don’t, so yeah, I think that that’s a piece.

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